Terms & Conditions for Event Attendance


Admissions Policy


All SBC events are open to business professionals only.

Any person found to be registering to attend SBC events using false information or credentials or deliberately withholding information will have their application automatically denied and may be liable to prosecution. Without prejudice, the organisers reserve the right to exclude any person(s).

Closed Circuit Television Cameras (CCTV) are likely to be in operation at all times during our events. The organisers and/or the venue reserve the right to deliver the CCTV videotapes to the Police or another competent authority as evidence if requested to do so. The contents of such videotape may be used as evidence in a court of law.

The organisers reserve the rights to film/permit approved third party filming across the show open days of events.

By attending the show, visitors permit the organisers/approved third parties to use any footage taken.

Additional age restrictions may apply to all or parts of the event in accordance with local laws. ID may be required for admission.

Canvassing is not permitted.

All film or photography taken at events is the intellectual property of the organisers (SBC) and cannot be used or broadcast without prior permission. The organisers retain the right to remove anyone from the event, should they be seen photographing or filming in prohibited areas.

The organisers reserve the right to exclude or remove anyone from the event or venue who does not comply with this policy or who they reasonably consider are likely to break the rules.

Operator passes will be validated by SBC after purchase to ensure they qualify as a betting or gaming operator, any not qualified will be cancelled and refunded by SBC at our sole discretion.


Cancellation Policy


Substitution Requests:

If you are unable to attend the event we welcome substitute delegates attending in your place at no additional cost. For security reasons, all requests for substitutions must be received via email at least 24 hours before the event with the name, job title and contact email for both the registered and replacement delegates to [email protected]

Changes will become effective on the date of written confirmation


Cancellation Requests:

Paid events

A refund will be given for cancellations received any time up to 14 working days prior to the event (unless stated otherwise at the time of booking). If you cancel any places after this date you will be charged the full amount and a refund will not be given. A small processing fee (up to 3%) may be deducted from the refund.
Free events
It is most appreciated if you inform us as soon as possible if you wish to cancel any places at our free events. We reserve the right to restrict bookings from companies who have a record of persistent no-shows.
No Shows
If, for whatsoever reason, you or your delegates do not turn up for the event (a “no show”) this shall be considered a cancellation. You will be charged the full amount for your place and a refund will not be given.


Code of Conduct


SBC is dedicated to providing a safe, harassment-free environment for all event participants.

All participants — delegates, attendees, speakers, exhibitors, staff and volunteers — are required to follow this Code of Conduct at all times. This includes social events at off-site locations and communications and social media before, during and after the conference itself.

All individuals attending SBC events must agree to conduct themselves in a respectful and professional manner. This includes respect for the intellectual property of others, proper display and use of name badges and respect for everyone regardless of their gender, race, disability, sexual orientation, religion or belief, age or being or becoming transgender.

These behaviours, in any form, will not be tolerated at SBC events:

  • Harassment: unwelcome or hostile behaviour, including verbal or written comments that intimidate or create discomfort
  • Intimidation, deliberate stalking or following
  • Abuse of any kind
  • Discrimination
  • Inappropriate physical contact and unwelcome sexual attention.
  • Use of sexualized language, images, or clothing. This includes presentations, slides, and speaker content.
  • Offensive banter, insults, taunts or exclusionary jokes
  • Recording: video or audio recording of lectures, speakers, delegates, staff, exhibitions, venue, slides, posters, breaks or any other conference spaces, materials or individuals is not permitted without prior consent of the organisers. Photographs of participants are permitted with the permission of those being prominently photographed. Photographs of slides, posters and other academic content are permitted only with the permission of the author.
  • Disruption of any lectures, sessions or masterclasses.
  • Emails or any form of written communication that is aggressive, rude, upsetting or which could amount to sexual or racial harassment, or harassment on the grounds of someone’s disability, sexual orientation, religion or belief, age or being or becoming transgender. Email harassment can arise simply from unreasonable repeated or unwanted requests, or messages containing sexual or racial innuendos.
  • Participants may not publicise, distribute, canvass, display, carry out activities or demonstrations, or distribute materials or inducements. Any materials found, unless by previous agreement, will be removed and disposed of.

This is a non-exhaustive list, and the organiser reserves the right to exclude or remove anyone from the event for any behaviour not consistent with this code of conduct, as determined at the organisers sole discretion. If an individual believes that these rules have been violated, he or she should contact SBC staff at the registration desk.


Events Operator


All events are brought to you by one of the SBC companies from time to time within the group of companies owned wholly or partially by Sports Betting Community Limited (registered company number 07914010) (‘Group Company‘).  The operator of the relevant event may at any time assign, transfer, novate, subcontract or delegate any or all of its rights and or obligations in whole or in part under these terms and conditions (including the ability to collect payment)  to any Group Company. Please check your VAT invoice or receipt for further details.


Filming and Photography at our events

We know you will be excited to share what you have learned at an SBC event and whilst we do want you to be able to share your experience, we are also committed to protecting the privacy of individuals and the intellectual property of the event organiser and participants, therefore we set out below some rules and guidelines around filming and photography at our events:

  • You must not make any video or audio recording nor take screenshots or photos of any conference sessions, speakers, delegates, staff, digital exhibitions, slides, posters, breaks or any other conference spaces or materials without our prior consent;
  • Photos and interviews with attendees to our events are permitted provided you have obtained that individual’s express consent and the individual is not repeating an entire conference session; 
  • We ask that any photos, interviews and or posts on social media or other channels respect the reputation of SBC- if you did not enjoy something in particular at one of our events, please come and share your feedback with us first!