SBC launched the Sports Betting Hall of Fame in 2016, to recognise the individuals who have contributed a great deal to the industry over the course of their careers with a lasting legacy. The purpose of the Hall of Fame is to honour, preserve and perpetuate the names and outstanding accomplishments of personalities who have brought lasting fame to the sports betting sector.
SBC launched the Sports Betting Hall of Fame in 2016, to recognise the individuals who have contributed a great deal to the industry over the course of their careers with a lasting legacy. The purpose of the Hall of Fame is to honour, preserve and perpetuate the names and outstanding accomplishments of personalities who have brought lasting fame to the sports betting sector.
Consideration for the Sports Betting Hall of Fame shall be limited to individuals (living or deceased) who have made outstanding contributions and/or provided outstanding service to the sports betting industry.
Consideration for the Sports Betting Hall of Fame shall be limited to individuals (living or deceased) who have made outstanding contributions and/or provided outstanding service to the sports betting industry.
The candidate(s) should have accomplishments such as:
The candidate(s) should have accomplishments such as:
Supply process changes, which significantly improved the process or product
Supply process changes, which significantly improved the process or product
Long experience in
the industry
Long experience in
the industry
Significant promotion of public awareness and appreciation of sports betting
Significant promotion of public awareness and appreciation of sports betting
Innovative product or marketing introductions
Innovative product or marketing introductions
Advocacy for awareness of sports betting as a responsible business community member.
Advocacy for awareness of sports betting as a responsible business community member.
On the final day of this years Betting on Sports America, held at the incredible Sky Room rooftop bar in New York, we will be inducting a new member into the Sports Betting Hall of Fame, for continued support to the gaming industry.
On the final day of this years Betting on Sports America, held at the incredible Sky Room rooftop bar in New York, we will be inducting a new member into the Sports Betting Hall of Fame, for continued support to the gaming industry.