The SBC Digital Summit Latinoamérica will bring together the industry’s top figures to discuss the developments and challenges facing the Latin American market, and with a week to go, we’ve been finding out what our sponsors are looking to discuss.
Mikael Lijtenstein, CEO of AstroPay, told SBC that the networking events and the opportunity to discuss developments in the Latin American market are a stand-out feature of the SBC Digital Summit Latinoamérica.
According to Mikael, now is the time for companies to make improvements to their businesses as the world begins to emerge from the COVID-19 lockdown.
What are you looking forward to at the SBC Digital Summit Latinoamérica?
We think it is a good opportunity to promote AstroPay among senior executives of the industry, as well as a good chance to network. We are also interested in developing new partnerships.
What would be your biggest bit of advice for betting and gaming businesses trying to mitigate the impact of COVID-19?
Even though the world has had a stop in most activities, I truly believe this is a time to work hard, to make things happen and to accelerate processes. It is a good moment to improve our businesses.
What are you promoting at SBC Digital Summit Latinoamérica?
AstroPay is a global payment solution. Through its virtual voucher – AstroPay Card, operators can offer their users a variety of well-known and convenient local payment methods, in local currency.
AstroPay Card provides operators with the possibility to accept instant, safe and easy deposits globally as well as provide their users with the possibility to withdraw their money instantly, all in one single integration.
We pay special attention to customer experience and always try to improve our offer in order to reward them. A good example of this is our Loyalty Program which, in each of its four levels: Standard, Bronze, Silver and Gold, gives users different benefits.
Which operator has impressed you the most in 2020?
It would be unfair for us to single out one operator as we truly believe all of them work hard.
Which parts of the conference agenda have caught your eye?
We are looking forward to networking opportunities and the chance to be able to promote our company. The session: NEW MARKETS, OPPORTUNITIES: REGULATORY OVERVIEW FROM is of particular interest for us.