What can you say about Betting on Sports 2018?
It’s an exciting event for us and particularly with the announcement that was made yesterday about our involvement with Formula 1 and bringing Formula 1 to the betting market. It’s just a great opportunity to talk about what we’re doing and the opportunity for betting generally, to some of the biggest brands in the business.
What has the public response been to your partnership with Formula 1?
It’s exciting and we’ve had a great response. So many sports are questioning whether they’re going to be involved in betting in the same way, going forward. Formula 1 is embracing it and that’s fantastic. I think that’s great news for the betting industry. It’s great news for Formula 1 and of course, it’s great news for ASG.
How much interest has the announcement created?
Well, it’s created an enormous amount of interest. The actual announcement was made yesterday, and we’ve had literally people from all over the world. We’ve made headlines in newspapers and on television in Australia, in Brazil, the Americas, all over Europe. So, profile-wise, yes, great and everybody’s very aware of what’s going on. Yes, we’ve had a lot of interest.
What opportunities has Betting on Sports 2019 offered you so far?
I think when you have an event like this, which brings so many potential clients together in one space, the time that it saves you, the opportunity just to meet people that you’re already working with because a lot of our customers are here, exhibiting or attending. Just to not have to get on an aeroplane to see all these people in one go, it’s great. For us, from a timing point of view, couldn’t be better because we’re going to be engaging with a lot of the bookmakers, the international bookmakers in the coming weeks. So, we’re setting a lot of that up at this event.