How is the PGA Tour looking to engage with the new emerging US sports betting markets?
Yeah, absolutely, we’re engaging on several different levels. One, we are working with the MBA and major league baseball on legislation in the US and that’s both federal and state legislation. We have a model bill and we’re going around, really in any state where sports betting is being considered and advocating for certain things and legislation, working with legislators, working with regulators, working with operators and others and just trying to implement what we think is really a best in class regulatory system in the US.
How important is communication between American sports organisations and betting operators when it comes to ensuring integrity is maintained?
Yeah, I mean it’s vital, it’s vital and we’ve had dialogue here really for years, but especially this year with operators in the US and outside the US and there are several different key constituencies in sports betting. One is the leagues, one’s the operators, one’s the state, or the federal government, whatever it may be that’s regulating and so that communication’s key and we’ve had dialogue and we’re generally aligned on protecting integrity, on protecting consumers. Now there are differences that we have with operators on certain points. But in terms of integrity there is an alignment and it’s in all of our interest to make that the sports stay clean, that they’re always reflecting the best efforts of the athletes and we’ll continue to have that dialogue as more and more states in the federal government considers the legislation going forward in the US.
What can you say about Betting on Sports 2018?
It’s been great, it’s been really great, and so for us, as a US based organisation, we’re in [inaudible 01:51] Florida. To come to this as we’re educating ourselves and evaluating the gaming industry, this is a really productive conference for us and so our business is growing more and more global, we just opened a London office last year, and we’re doing more and more business in the UK and also just throughout the world and as we engage more and more in sports betting and gaming generally. So this, for us, just with that growing emphasis on gaming with our increasing international presence it made sense for us to come here and develop relationships, participate in the content and we’re happy to be here.
How important could an event like this be in the US?
Yeah, I think it’ll be great, and with the spring court ruling, the interest in sports betting in the US has really exploded and I think you’re, and the issue or the debate is really ongoing, and the system is really being established right now and so we expect 30 or so states in the next 12 months to consider sports betting legislation. So it’s an active, ongoing issue and these conferences are important. It’s important to bring together different stakeholders to discuss the different issues to work through disagreements where you can and try to reach a consensus and so it’s really to us, it’s an important part of the process and we think that will be a really good conference next year.